Which book covers below would have the greater impact?
3D Book Styles...

There are TWO basic styles of covers available:- STATIC or ANIMATED.

Static covers have been around for a long time and you've probably seen a number of these online for many years. We offer a variety of different static styles, AND, we can now also offer a teriffic range of templated ANIMATED eBOOK COVERS at highly competitive rates!

However, it's not just book cover styles we offer - we also have Monitors, TV's, Tablets, Mobiles, Boxes, Magazines, etc., etc, as well!

Our new animated versions are not just useful for books though!  They are ideal for use as visually eye-catching marketing and/or promotional image(s) on your website, thereby engaging your visitors into taking action.

So take a look around and see the range of options available for your next project.

To view STATIC styles - click HERE

To view ANIMATED styles - click HERE
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